Wherever, Lord, Thou leadest me,
There will I gladly go.
You will not let me come to harm,
And this I truly know.
I trust Thee with each breath I take,
I have no fear or doubt,
And keep repeating in my heart,
"God knows what He's about".
Sometimes I stumble in my haste
Or even lose the way,
But I have learned when I am lost
That I should simply stay
Right where I am and soon You'll come
To see where I have gone,
And safe within Your arms I have
Your heart to lean upon again.
What a sense of peace You bring
That fills my anxious soul,
We are inseparable and I
Am Yours to have and hold.
How beautiful the solitude
That filters through my days,
How gladly do I follow, Lord,
...Who leadest me always!
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Cindy O'Connor's poems are all copyrighted. Please credit.