How many times we "say our prayers"
As prayer times come and go.
How often do we really pray
So that our souls can grow?
Do we make worship just a form?
What is our attitude?
Are we content to merely pray
Some pretty platitude?
Should not our prayers come from the
Heart and not our lips alone?
How dare we kneel as though before
A God of wood or stone?
Real prayer creates an atmosphere
Of sanctifying grace.
The heart then speaks to our best Friend
Oh precious trysting place.
Prayer lifts us to a better world,
That heavenly world above;
We visit in our Father's house -
Sweet fellowship of love.
We feel His power in that grand hour,
Our hearts He does inspire.
Then we return to earth to "burn",
Aflame with Holy fire.
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Cindy O'Connor's poems are all copyrighted. Please credit.